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VividQ Sponsors Optica Digital Holography Conference
Earlier this month, Optica (formerly OSA) hosted a conference on “Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging” in Cambridge (UK). As the leading experts in the field, VividQ were amongst the sponsors of the gathering, in our very own home town and the place where our journey has begun.

The conference gathered students, academics and researchers in the areas of digital holography for applications ranging from microscopy, tomography measurements, data transmission and, of course, 3D imaging. VividQ Chief Scientist and Co-Founder Dr Andrzej Kaczorowski had a chance to attend the Welcome Reception at Robinson College, University of Cambridge and a range of talks covering recent academic advancements in the field.
Andrzej said:“The Optica conference provided the first opportunity since the pandemic to gather so much holography brain power under one roof. VividQ continues to publish results of our non-confidential research in leading journals, and it was a real pleasure to meet authors of some ground-breaking research and students who have been citing our publications. In some cases, this was the first time I had a chance to associate a name from the paper I read with a (friendly) face. We are honoured to be part of this community.”
VividQ's team, exhibiting on the conference floor, had an exciting opportunity to meet a new generation of international experts in optics, engineering and software development and introduce them to our latest advances in Computer-Generated Holography. On the last day, we hosted an invitation-only event at VividQ offices at Castle Park, networking over beer and pizza and demoing VividQ’s Alpha Optical Engine Demonstrator.

We would like to thank our partners and the event organisers from Optica - the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in the field of optics and photonics worldwide.